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Preservation Success Stories!


The Arizona Preservation Foundation collaborates with a variety of local, state, and national preservation organizations, agencies, and advocates to monitor key issues and threatened properties across the state. We are continuously seeking the support of preservation-minded Arizonans. Here are some of our recent success stories. If you have an issue or threatened property to bring to our attention, wish to advocate for a particular cause, or want to volunteer, please contact us!

Broadway Boulevard, Tucson (Pima County)

Broadway Boulevard

Tucson (Pima County)

Alert Status: Progress!


Duke Photography

Phoenix (Maricopa County)

Alert Status: Progress!

Camp Naco, Huachuca City (Cochise County

Camp Naco

Bisbee (Cochise County)

Alert Status: Progress!


Mountain View Officers' Club

Sierra Vista (Cochise County)

Alert Status: Progress!

City Center Motel Phoenix.jpg

City Center Motel

Phoenix (Maricopa County)

Alert Status: Progress!


State Parks Heritage Fund FY21 & FY22


Alert Status: Progress!

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